Here is what you need to do to play along with Kid Quotes!:
- Include, somewhere in your post, a sentence about Kid Quotes! and link to my blog.
- Grab the Kid Quotes!button by copying the code for the button below and paste it into your post.
- Finish off your post by writing your own Kid Quotes!
- Use the Mr. Linky form below to enter your name or your blog’s name and a link directly to your Kid Quotes! post.* (More on how to do this below…) Please keep the name used to describe your blog short. You do not need to type in the entire URL of your blog in the name section. Please use spaces between words and characters. This helps insure that Mr. Linky will function properly.
- Finally, click over to others’ blogs and read their Kid Quotes posts!
- First, create your own Kid Quotes! post. Then, view your blog. Click on the title of your Kid Quotes! post. Then, that post title will appear in your URL bar. Highlight and copy all of what appears there–it will be your blog address plus some words indicating your Kid Quotes! not simply your blog address.
post–and copy it, pasting it as the link you give to Mr. Linky below, And, if you don’t have a blog or don’t want to do a Kid Quotes! of your own, feel free to still leave a comment on my post.