Jun 28, 2010


So I'm sitting here, goofing off while I'm suppose to be doing my homework, and Mr. CB is getting the kiddos ready for bed. And then I hear this...
"Blue, come back here and give your sister her undies back!"
Followed by Blue running by waving Razz's undies above his head like a surrender flag. Mr. CB got him back in the bathroom to finish getting him jammied up...and then I hear...
"Blue, get your nakey bum back in here!"
Followed by Blue streaking past.
*Sigh* I love my life!

Jun 25, 2010


Sorry dear blog. I feel so bad for neglecting you so long! Hmm, what has happened...
1.Razz passed swim lessons! Yay, on to level 2! This is great because last year she was too sissy to even stick her head in the water. This year she has started swimming underwater and loving it! Thank goodness, because on the last day of class they took the kids to the deep end in inner tubes and Razz's got away from her. She did exactly what she should have and kept her head above water until the lifeguard could reach her. She was scared and crying, but then she was so proud for doing what she should have in that situation and then jumped back in the water.

2. Kay and I threw a surprise party for our Mom which ended up not being a surprise thanks to dorky Mr. CB. But it turned out great anyway and Mr. CB feels worse than I do about it so I can't really be mad at him.

3. School is taking up a ton of my time, but I'm enjoying staining potato cells and am the proud owner of a very crappy microscope.
4. Blue is attached to me more than ever. Sometimes Mr. CB isn't even good enough for him. He cries when I go outside to throw something away. I'm thinking of taking out a restraining order. This is getting ridiculous.
 Why does Blue have this awesome Mom Tattoo? See #7 to find out!

5. Found a GREAT recipe for whipped icing. I hate frosting, but this is awesome. It helps that Mr. CB gave me a Kitchen Aid for Mother's Day. All I gave him was a gift certificate for a massage.
The Best Whipped Icing Ever

1 8oz brick cream cheese at room temp
1/2 cup sugar
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
1 pint (2 cups) heavy whipping cream

Cream together the cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla ocassionaly stopping to scrap the sides of the bowl. On medium speed, add the whipping cream slowly again stopping ocassionaly to scrap the bowl. Once all the cream has been added, whip on medium high until stiff peaks form. Enjoy!

This even held up well in a warm room for a couple of hours and didn't melt. I made some the night before I used it and it didn't separate like other whip creams sometimes do.
6. My garden is growing well!! I have blossoms on my pumpkins and my peas! Can't wait for some homegrown veggies for dinner.
7. I made this sweet poodle skirt for Razz to go to a '50s soda shop party. Mr. Blue is a greaser, of course!

8. I LOVE being a SAHM this summer. Click here to see why!

Jun 10, 2010

P to the 3 for Eternity!

Last Saturday was a very special day for our family. We celebrated our 6 year family anniversary by walking for my nephew Peter in the Great Strides walk for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. (We also went to Chuck E. Cheese's for the first time ever! I don't know about the kids, but I had so much fun! It is definitely going to be an ongoing tradition!)
Our team name is Peter's Pavement Pounders, but when it's 2am and you're still tie dying shirts and you need to be out the door by 7am for the walk, things tend to get shortened. Hence P to the 3! We fell a little short of our team goal, but still managed to raise $470, of which little Miss Razz raised $200 by herself! Thank You so much to everyone who helped!
Wow! Way to go, sweetie! I'm sure her charming good looks and the phrase "Cystic Fibrosis Foundation" coming out of a five year old's mouth we her super fund raising powers.

Kay and I sported some fashionable leg wear as we ran around pushing the kids on swings and waiting for the walk to begin.

Some guy brought this awesome remote control cop car with a microphone and a speaker so the car would interact with the kids.
At last it was time to start! Yay! We were on of the first groups on the trail...and one of the last to return, but we had fun.

Even Blue walked (well, ran really because he had to to keep up!) as long as his legs would let him.
After the walk we had hot dogs and chips and fudgecicles! Yum! It started to rain right after we got back, but the weather was perfect otherwise.

As I mentioned, it was our family anniversary. What's that, you ask? Every year we celebrate the day Mr. CB and I were sealed together for Eternity in the Logan, Utah Temple. In our faith, we believe that families can be together after death through the sealing power of the priesthood in a special Temple ceremony. Often this happens in conjunction with a Temple marriage, but Mr. CB and I had a civil ceremony a year prior. This walk was a great reminder that even though Peter might not be here long on earth, we will be with him again.Since our wedding anniversary was May 30th  and our family anniversary is June 5th, we basically have a whole week to celebrate!

The knowledge that we as a family, and our extended family, all get to be together again is a great comfort, especially since CF is a death sentence for sweet Peter. We are hoping that organizations like the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation will be able to find a cure or create treatments that improve and extend lives of those with CF. Peter may well live into his 50s, but if he doesn't, it will be okay. He will be with us forever, no matter the length of his earthly life. We love you, Peter. We praise our Heavenly Father for the gift of Eternal Life. We testify of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the sacrifice that He made to take away not only our sins, but our worries, our pain, and our suffering.